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September 2, 2020

Long Beach Post: Leaders call on federal government for $300 billion to help schools during pandemic

By Sebastian Echeverry, September 2nd, 2020


Local and federal leaders on Wednesday called on Congress and the Trump Administration to pass and sign a bill that would provide $300 billion to help students and school districts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

U.S. Rep. Nanette Barragán, D-San Pedro, called on the Republican-controlled Senate to support a bill that would help K-12 schools safely reopen, when they are allowed to do so.


The funding would provide personal protective equipment for students and staff, help keep classrooms sanitized and improve ventilation systems in schools, Barrágan said.


“When students come back, we need to have funds to support our schools,” she said.


Barragán—whose district includes North Long Beach—and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia criticized the Trump Administration in its calls to quickly reopen schools.


Read the full story here.