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Environment, Energy and Transportation

My district is one of the most polluted districts in the nation, where the sight of refineries and urban oil wells next to homes and baseball fields are a common occurrence. Unfortunately, this is all too normal in communities of color, which routinely endure immense environmental injustices. It takes immense strength to fight polluted air and water in places where the contamination is profound and the injustices are deep.

Due to limited resources and lack of political power, communities of color are often where you will find industrial facilities and air and water contamination. Members of Congress, as well as environmental justice activists from all parts of the country, must unite to both increase awareness and pursue policy change.

A clean environment is about more than environmentalism. It’s about breathing in clean air and drinking uncontaminated water. It’s about new technologies and creating new jobs for the 21st century. Instead of risking the public health of the frontline communities across the country, we should be focused on transitioning to a clean energy economy by electrifying our transportation system and ramping up our use of renewables. We can’t have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness unless you also have environmental justice. These issues go to the core of who we are as a nation.

March 7, 2018


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February 13, 2018

Trump Budget Undermines Basic Services, Environmental Protection, National Security, Housing and Homelessness Services

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January 29, 2018

Reps. Barragán,Price, and Crist Introduce Offshore Drilling Safety Bill

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January 29, 2018

Sunshine State News: Charlie Christ continues his fight against Offshore Drilling

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January 11, 2018

Rep. Barragán Introduces Amendment To Prevent Oil “Exploration” And Drilling Off Coast

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January 10, 2018

Rep. Barragán Leads Call for Increased Port Security Funding

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January 2, 2018

Grist: Nanette Barragán fights for polluted communities

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November 14, 2017

Rep. Barragán Invites EPA Science Advisor Who Claimed the “Air Is a Little Too Clean” to Tour Her District

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November 8, 2017

Rep. Barragán in the Natural Resources Committee on Nov. 8, 2017

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November 6, 2017

Rep. Barragán Introduces the No Drilling in Our Backyards Act

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