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Barragán’s TRIUMPH for New Moms Act Advances out of Energy and Commerce Committee as Part of Comprehensive Mental Health Package

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                      

May 19, 2022

Washington D.C. – Yesterday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted to advance H.R. 7666, the Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act, a comprehensive mental health package that includes legislation by Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán (CA-44), the TRIUMPH for New Moms Act. The TRIUMPH for New Moms Act would create a national strategy to address maternal mental health and substance use disorders impacting new mothers, and integrate maternal mental health into existing maternal, infant, and mental health activities on the federal level. This legislation, introduced by Barragán in June of last year, now advances to the House Floor for consideration and final passage as part of the larger H.R. 7666 mental health package.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the maternal mental health crisis that our nation currently faces. Tragically, suicide and overdose are the leading causes of death for new mothers.” said Rep. Barragán. “This is an urgent issue we must address, and I am grateful that the TRIUMPH for New Moms Act made it into the final package passed out of Committee yesterday. This bill enhances federal collaboration between agencies and departments to protect the mental health of new mothers and creates recommendations to state Governors, House and Senate Committees, and relevant Federal agencies to improve their maternal mental health work. I commend Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Pallone and Ranking Member Rodgers for their leadership on this issue. These bills will drastically improve the health and wellbeing for families in living in California’s 44th Congressional District, and I look forward to the work ahead.”

Yesterday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted to advance two comprehensive packages and four bills to improve the FDA’s user fees program, enhance clinical trial diversity, bolster resources for mental health care and coverage, provide critical tools in addressing the opioid and substance use crisis, promote awareness of heart disease, accelerate research discoveries for childhood cancer and rare diseases, and authorize the ARPA-H initiative to revolutionize how we treat the deadliest diseases affecting Americans, such as Alzheimer’s disease.


Nanette Diaz Barragán is proud to represent California’s 44th Congressional District, which includes the communities of Carson, Compton, Florence-Firestone, Lynwood, North Long Beach, Rancho Dominguez, San Pedro, South Gate, Walnut Park, Watts, Willowbrook and Wilmington. She serves as chairwoman of the House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Border Security, and on the House Energy and Commerce Health, Energy, and Environment & Climate Change Subcommittees.