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April 21, 2020

Common Dreams: ‘The Opposite of #PeopleBeforeProfit’: Trump Orders Big Oil Bailout Day After Historic Price Collapse

Flares burning off gas at Belridge Oil Field and hydraulic fracking site, which is the fourth largest oil field in California.



Democratic lawmakers and climate advocates on Tuesday condemned an announcement on Twitter from President Donald Trump that he had directed the U.S. Departments of Energy and the Treasury to make funding available to American oil and gas companies negatively impacted by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.


“This is the opposite of #PeopleBeforeProfit,” the international advocacy group Global Witness tweeted in response to Trump. “This ‘great’ industry already receives billions from the government while costing lives and livelihoods by polluting communities and the global climate. Time to stop propping up Big Oil.”


Rep. Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.) also responded to the president by calling for a “climate plan” with “more jobs for less pollution.”


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