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December 21, 2017

Huffington Post: Senate Democrats Prepare To Kick Dreamer Fix To Next Year, As House Promises A Fight

BY Elise Foley

WASHINGTON ― The chances of passing protections for undocumented young people this year are all but dead in the Senate, but House Democrats insisted on Wednesday that they aren’t giving up, raising the specter of a government shutdown if they hold the line.

It’s a big if. …

Rep. Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.) said she is not ready to give up on Dreamers and that it’s wrong for other Democrats to do so.

“I’m disappointed that any Democrat right now would concede that it’s not going to happen until January,” she told reporters after a press conference on Wednesday calling for action for Dreamers. “We have an opportunity here to use the leverage that we have.”

She and other Congressional Hispanic Caucus members insisted that on the House side, Democrats are united in wanting to hold firm. READ MORE