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May 16, 2017

KABC: Rep. Barragan discusses President Trump, Russia at town hall meeting in Compton

“What is Washington going to do about Russia being invited to the White House?” asked Barbara Evans, a U.S. Postal Service employee in the audience.

Barragan, a Democrat, told the standing-room-only crowd that Trump is reckless.

“Let me tell you: Every day there’s something new, the more I smell impeachment,” the 44th District representative said to applause.

Many of the audience members had come to discuss air quality and pollution in their community. But the day’s latest White House revelation had Americans asking questions.

“I think it’s confusing for those of us who are part of this community and part of the nation to say, well, what is going on?” said Joni Ricks-Oddie, a resident of Long Beach. “So, as a constituent, I’m not sure what to believe.”

Barragan noted that Trump “has the ability to un-classify information, and so we know that.”

“But it is awfully dangerous for our national security when he is giving an advantage to Russia,” she added.

Evans said members of the two major political parties “need to come together.”

“They need to think country first instead of politics first,” Evans continued. “Whether they’re Democrat or Republican, they need to think about America.” READ ON THE KABC WEBSITE