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January 12, 2017

Barragán Introduces Amendment On The Dangers Of Repealing The Affordable Care Act

For Immediate Release

January 12, 2017


Barragán Introduces Amendment on the Dangers of Repealing the Affordable Care Act

WASHINGTON, DC –U.S. Representative Nanette Diaz Barragán has offered an amendment to S.Con.Res. 3, “Fiscal Year 2017 Republican Budget Resolution,” which would clarify in the Resoluation that repealing the Affordable Care Act would be irresponsible and points out various statements made by Republicans on the topic.

“Repealing the Affordable Care Act and leaving nothing behind is dangerous and irresponsible,” said Rep. Barragán.  “Even several Congressional Republicans have pointed out, the reality of taking away health care from millions of Americans with no replacement plan would be disastrous.”

Click here to watch video.

The below publicly issued statements were cited in the amendment:

(1) Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC): ‘‘We just need to slow down the process so that we can understand a little bit more of the specifics of 11 the timetable, replacement votes, reconciliation instructions, etc.’’ [The Hill, 1/9/17]

(2) Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK): ‘‘I have great concerns that we inject a level of great uncertainty into an already uncertain environment if we don’t give people a clear indication as to what will come once we repeal.’’ [Washington Post, 1/9/17]

(3) Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN): ‘‘We have to take each part of it and consider what it would take to create a new and better alternative and then begin to create that alternative and once it’s available to the American people, then we can finally repeal Obamacare.’’[Talking Points Memo, 1/ 6 9/17]

(4) Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR): ‘‘It would not be the right path for us to repeal Obamacare without laying out a path forward.’’[New York Magazine, 1/9/17]

(5) Senator Rand Paul (R-KY): ‘‘We need to think through how we do this, and it’s a huge mistake for Republicans if they do not vote for replacement on the same day as we vote for repeal.’’ [Politico, 1/4/17]

(6) Senator Bob Corker (R-TN): ‘‘There’s more and more concerns about not doing it simultaneously. . . You would think after six years we would have a pretty good sense of what we would like to do.” [Politico, 1/9/17]

(7) Senator Susan Collins (R-ME): ‘‘By providing more time to come up with legislative solutions, we have a better opportunity to produce a thoughtful, workable replacement that ensures Americans have access to affordable, diverse insurance plans that meet their needs.’’ [The Hill, 1/9/ 2 17]

(8) Senator Bob Corker (R-TN): ‘‘As President-elect Trump has stated, repeal and replace should take place simultaneously, and this amendment will give the incoming administration more time to outline its priorities. . . By extending the deadline for budget reconciliation instructions until March, Congress and the incoming administration will each have additional time to get the policy right.’’ [Bloomberg, 1/10/17]

